Thursday, 14 March 2013


   Sunshine and a day to remember........



Today I have three pieces of great news....Not only does it appear that Spring has finally arrived, after what seems to have been a very long drawn out, wet and snowy Winter at the 'Chestnut Barn'; but last night at 7.07pm European time it was announced after just 5 ballots that we have a new Pope, Pope Francis. Even more exciting for me is the fact that my ebook 'A Chestnut Barn in Tuscany' is now available on priced at £3.99.
I am also hoping that an article I have written for the Italy Magazine, an online Magazine for lovers of all things Italian will be posted, which tells the story of the book and my publishing journey. 
'A Chestnut Barn in Tuscany' will be also be available over the next few weeks on Kobo and at various other online retailers.
Please do check it out, Chapter 1 is available for free. Any reviews would be much appreciated.
You can see my profile at
Happy reading!!!

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Fantastic News!!!! 

My book 'A Chestnut Barn in Tuscany' has been approved and published as an ebook on . The ebook will also be available on, Kobo, and iBooks over the next couple of weeks as well as some other leading retailers. The easy part over I now begin the mammoth task of marketing and spreading the word....

It is a true story which begins with an unexpected love affair of all things Italian.

An innocent evening stroll whilst on holiday, through the narrow ancient stone paved
streets of a medieval Italian hill town, leads to a proposal and a heart rending revelation being uncovered once back in England. The discovery subsequently steers a course to a very different way of life.

A Tuscan wedding follows together with a glimpse into the everyday life of the local Italians encountered along the way. An unfortunate accident causes a life threatening illness but the warmth, generosity and kindness shown by the Italian people comes to the fore.
All this is combined with an insight into some of the highs and lows of purchasing renovating and living in an old ruin nestled deep in the forest of the Northern Tuscan hills.

Not just a must read for lovers of all things Italian but a look at the trials and tribulations that go hand in hand with a complete lifestyle change.  
Any reviews would be most welcome. Read and Enjoy!!

Saturday, 2 March 2013

The view from the Chestnut Barn...

The view from the chestnut barn.....

Saturday morning has arrived which means yet  more editing, formatting and reading of my manuscript.....'A Chestnut Barn in Tuscany'.  On Monday I hope to release it to 'Autharium' for their approval. Fingers crossed this time next week my dream may have finally come true and my book may be available in digital format for all the world to read......

Outside in the almost magical winter wonderland, the snow finally begins to thaw as the temperatures rise, bringing with it the hope that Spring is not too far away,  the fresh buds on the branches of the surrounding chestnut trees hold the only clue. Winter has been long and cruel this year, the snows appearing early,  more frequently and with more intensity than the last few years, the only thing missing was the freezing temperatures experienced last year when they dropped as low as minus thirteen Celsius.